Aircraftman 1st Class
Trevor Eric Passey

Born 1918/12/19 Ombersley, Droitwich, Worcester
Son of Ernest and Fanny (nee Rudgs) Passey
Brother to:- Oswin Ernest, Hector, Edgar Vaughan, Dennis Frances, Jessey Mary, and Irene Frances
Trevor’s Occupation Shop Fitter
Royal Air Force
84th Squadron
Trevor was also part of 103 squadron and 610 squadron before he joined 84 squadron.
He trained as an instrument repairer, and was ground crew for operation dynamo as well as the Battle of Britain
Far East duty location Moluccas
Japanese PoW
1942/03/20 - Captured
Ambon Camp
PoW No. 4202
Japaanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card Side Two

Transferred from Ambon to Batavia, Java
1943/02/09 - Transported with Java Party 13 in the Roko Maru from Batavia to Changi. With 1000 PoWs.
1943/02/09 - Arrived Changi
New PoW No. 8405
Trevor was admitted to Roberts Hospital, Changi where he stayed till 15th October 1943.
Staying at Changi till he was liberated
1945/11/02 - Liberated
General Seishiro Itagaki, Japanese Commander of Singapore, would not accept the surrender. Plus it gave him time to cover up all Japanese Atrocities in Singapore. The allied naval landing force 'Operation Tiderace' were delayed as it was still understood the Japanese would dispose of all the PoWs in Singapore if they landed. Mountbatten ordered British paratroopers into Singapore to protect the camps. To many of the PoWs in Singapore, those red berets of the paratroopers were the first signs that the war had ended. All this delayed organising the PoWs. It wasn't till the 12th September that Lord Mountbatten accepted the Japanese surrender at the Municipal Building. Hospital cases were the first to leave Singapore 1945/09/10 on the HMHS Koroa. They were soon followed by Repatriation ships which started reaching the UK about the 15th of October 1945. Why many of the liberated PoWs on these ships had November on their Japanese Index cards, I don't know as in other areas of the Far East, PoWs were marked as Liberated at their PoW camps with the correct date. Unless General Seishiro Itagaki did not make the cards available when the camps were liberated.




Africa Star
Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Post War
1949 - Married Joyce Neville
Their siblings were Den, Oswin, Hector, Monica, Mick, Gar, Jess and Irene
2017 - Trevor died aged 98
Katie Danielle Passey - Granddaughter
Andrew Snow - Thailand Burma Railway Centre
KEW Files:- WO 361/1948, WO 392/25, WO 345/40, WO 361/2009, WO 361/2229, WO 361/2216,