Leading Aircraftman
Wilfrid Bertram Poley

1910/12/24 - Born, Cardiff, Wales
Son of Samuel Reginald and Catherine Rosa Poley
Royal Air Force
Far East Command West Group
Japanese PoW
1942/03/07 - Captured Java
PoW No. 695
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1943/09/26 - Transported in Java Party 17A in Makassar Maru to Singapore
1943/10/21 - Transported to Japan in Matsue Maru
1943/11/15 - Transported to Osaka 14-B Wakayama
Sumitomo Metallic Industrial Co. Ltd
New PoW No. 6293
1945/03/29 - Camp Closed

1945/03/29 - Transferred to Osaka 19B, Ikuna
PoWs worked for the Mitsubishi Copper Mining Company
Some silver veins were also mined
1945/08 - Name changed to Osaka 4B, Ikuna
1945/09/09 - Liberated
Monday 26th June 1967
Cause of death, hypertensive heart disease. (According to his GP due to the suffering he sustained whilst a Jap POW.
Loved Ones
Wife Phyllis Isabel Poley, (nee Williams) who died 5th March 1986
Daughters, Lindsey Diane Nicholas (nee Poley) and younger daughter Donna Louise Beesley (nee Poley)
Lindsey Nichols
Java Index
Japanese Homeland Camps
KEW:- WO 345/41, WO 361/1963, WO 361/1971, WO 361/2009, WO 361/1964, WO 392/25, WO 361/1988