Arthur Joseph Pratt

Australian Infantry
A.I.F. 2/48 Battalion
Arthur enlisted on 1st October 1943

Deployed in Borneo, landing at Tarakan 1st May 1945, to regain Borneo oilfields. Tarakan being a small island located in the north-eastern corner of Borneo. The Japanese having taken control of the town and its oilfields in 1942. The oilfields were important to the Allies for the re-taking of Borneo. Although the 350,000 barrels per month production could no longer reach Japan due to Allied shipping controlling the Pacific in 1945, the oil was so pure that the Japanese could pump it directly into warships without refining. Operation Oboe One still provided key airfields that the Allies could use to aid the upcoming campaign against Borneo with the added use of the oilfields. Although the primary objective of Tarakan were the oilfields and airfields, they were so heavily damaged during the pre-invasion bombardment that the airfields took much longer to restore then anticipated, so by the time of the main invasion the airfields were still out of use but aircraft from Tarakan, did have a role in supporting ground troops during the campaign.
Age 21
6th May 1945
Arthur was killed in action at Tarakan
Loved Ones
Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Pratt, of Rutherford, New South Wales, Australia
15. B. 9.