William Redmile

King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
2nd Battalion
Billy came from a family of 16 children.
Bill with his dog Maggie
He was bored and restless in civilian life and so he went to the recruiting office to enlist. Unlike his Dad he wasn't very tall and the recruiting officer told him he needed to grow a couple of inches, but as he was already about 24 this was unlikely to happen. He told his Dad of the outcome who said that he had trained the recruiting officer when he was in the army and he gave Bill a letter of introduction. This worked and he didn't look back.
King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
(Bill is front row, 2nd left)
Once in the army he did well and excelled at boxing and was photographed with the Lonsdale belt.
Bill in civvies
Age 30
10th September 1942
His parents were proud of him and devastated by his death. Billy’s younger brother was in the Royal Artillery and was captured shortly after arriving at Singapore. He suffered in the camps but survived. The family story on Billy is that he was injured in the shoulder by a bullet as they retreated across a river and was taken prisoner. After the war his Dad (who was a policeman) went to Burma to try and find him but could not find the grave.
Loved Ones
Son of Rowland and Edith Hannah Redmile, of Frizinghall, Bradford, Yorkshire

6. A. 5.
Plot marked in blue below
