Leading Aircraftman
William James Rhodes
Known as ‘Bill’

1920/05/08 - Born Birmingham
Son of John and Phoebe Rhodes
Occupation Driver
Royal Air Force
Japanese PoW
1942/03/08 - Captured Pamecaton, Java
PoW No. 10490
Commander - Wing Commander Frow
1942/03/27 - Transferred to Kalijait
1942/08/12 - Transferred to Makasura (Celebes
Commander - Wing Commander Frow
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/10/21 - Transported in Java Party 5c to Singapore in Kumitama Maru
PoWs came from the 10th Batallion-camp in Batavia. The holds were over-crowded, food and drinking-water were insufficient.
1942/10/23 - Arrived in trucks at Changi, Singapore
Commander P/O Jones
1942/11/28 - Transported to Japan in Kamakura Maru
1942/12/07 - Arrived Japan
1942/12/08 - Transported to Yahata Provisional PoW Camp Nagasaki Branch Camp
New PoW No. 2117
Worked for Kawanami Shipyard
1943/01/01 - Renamed Fukuoka PoW Camp - Nagasaki Branch Camp
1943/03/01 - Fukuoka 2B - Nagasaki
Food was scarce with the Japs’ confiscating the Red Cross parcels and misappropriating the rations. The storage place was discovered and some of the prisoners - Bill amongst them - raided the stash, hiding as much as they could.
There was an American Pow in the camp known as ‘Bible Joe’ who was constantly crying and reading the Bible such was his mental state. Unfortunately the Japanese found a tin of corned beef that Joe had not concealed well enough.
‘Bible Joe’ was apparently a very tall man and the punishment was to be a spell in a wooden box that the prisoners called the OXO box. The offender was to be squeezed into the box, in full sun, with the lid on for hours - sometimes days, without water.
It was believed that ‘Joe’ would not survive this punishment mentally so Bill - being smaller - took the blame and as he was taken away one of the other prisoners told him to position himself across the corners to give himself more room !
Prisoner of War Camp Orders by the Japanese
The following are Orders issued to the room-chiefs, and to the Camp C.O., by the Japanese Camp Commander and/or officer or non-commissioned officer of the week (SHUBAN) through the Japanese interpreter. They are stated practically verbatim; explanation and elucidation consisted of merely repeating the order.
1943/07/05 - In accident at dockyard, the man did not help in boat accident. Two Dutch officers ran away. They are unfaithful and we are disappointed in them. You must salute from the heart. Do not say Nip or Jap. It is just as bad as saying Yank. No reading after 9 P.M..
1943/09/04 - The Sgt. Major is the N.C.O. of the week. There will be no mistakes. Men will stop sleeping in the latrine. All men are responsible for all men. Watch and check each other. Drillers are very good, the under ship are very lazy. POW No. 341 is no good at picking up iron.
1943/10/08 - The Sgt. Major really expects you not to happen. You may bathe when the water is fired. You have a new galley hancho (mess sergeant) make him good. Salute from the heart. Use water sparingly. Try not to have fire.
1943/12/31 - Unnecessary things are going on at the docks - there will be heavy, heavy punishment. Officers and room-chiefs are responsible. All men receive food as well as lunch - why should 6 or 7 be hungry. They are smuggling time from watchmen to bake food. Therefore they are lazy. All buying and selling is forbidden. New Year tomorrow so nothing filthy - live happily in the camp. The galley hancho (mess sergeant) feels very bad because people try to improve upon his cooking. Our camp is the talk of the town of Nagasaki on the food-proposition. Don't let it happen from any view point. The supply sergeant says keep your brooms dry.
1944/01/19 - Camp authorities want everybody to be happy. To keep happy very much responsibility of room chiefs at dockyard and camp from any view point. Salute from the heart. Gargle twice daily. Navy officers at dockyard say many things have been going on recently. You must swear not to do it again.
1945/09/18 - Liberated Fukuoka 2B -Nagasaki
Amanda Rhodes - Daughter
British PoW Roll
Japanese Transports
Roger Mansell - Fukuoka 2B
KEW Files:- WO 361/2009, WO 345/43, WO 392/26, WO 361/1961, WO 361/1254, WO 361/2212,