Basil Robinson

Born 22nd March 1921
Royal Corps of Signals
Service Record
Part of the 18th Division
Sailed for the Middle East in September 1941
Destination changed to Singapore
Japanese POW
Was taken prisoner at the fall of Singapore February 15th 1942.
Basil was transported by cattle truck to Thailand and worked the entire length to Thanbyuzayat in Burma, returned to Tamawan and finished the war there.
Basil was with a 250 strong work party with a Major Reed as M.O.
Basil’s unit consisted of 50 plus 1 officer, 18 of his mates were left behind
Post War
Basil was happily married for almost 60 years.
Life Membership with - The Far Eastern Prisoner-Of-War (1941-45) Association London
86 years old
15th December 2007
And we that are left grow old with the years
Remembering the heartache, the pain and the tears
Hoping and praying that never again
Man will sink to such sorrow and shame
The price that was paid we will always remember
Every day, every month, not just in November.
We Shall Remember Them