Thomas George Robinson

1906/05/04 - Born Cannonbie, Scotland
Occupation Lorry Driver
Royal Corps of Signals
18th Division
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Captured Singapore
PoW Number 1630
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/11/03 - Transported overland to Nong Pladuk, Thailand in ‘O’ Letter Parties (File 76)
Under Command of Lt. Col. F.I.N. McOstrich, P.550, RCOS, 18 Div.
New PoW Number 13753
1942/09 - Tha Muang (Thailand/Burma Railway)
Joined Capt. Charles Mott with 200 British as a motor supply line for the camps
1943/03 - Ushahang
1945/06 - Rahang
1945/08/30 - Liberated

Post War

George and Agnes Robinson early 1970s
Thailand/Burma Railway - Death Railway
Keith Andrews Research
KEW:- WO 361/2169, WO 361/1987, WO 361/2069, WO 361/2069, WO 361/2190, WO 392/26, WO 361/2172, WO 361/1955, WO 361/2196, WO 345/44, WO 361/2063