Aircraftman 1st Class
Burton Philip Rose
Known as Burt or Bob

1911/07/26 - Born Jedburgh, Scottish Borders
Son of Burton Wilson and Anne Elizabeth Rose
Occupation Commercial Traveller
Enlisted at Padgate, between September 1939 and February 1940.
Next of kin - Wife, 18 Eglington Crescent, Troon, Ayrshire
Royal Air Force
605 Squadron
In November 1941, the squadron’s air crew flew off the carrier HMS Argus to Malta, where it was retained as part of the island's defences.
In January 1942 aircraft from 605 Squadron were transported by HMS Athene in crates to Takadori, Gold Coast, where they were assembled. They were then flown across Africa to Port Sudan and 50 RAF Hurricane aircraft embarked on HMS Indomitable who took them to Singapore/Java, escorted by HM Destroyers Napier, Niza, and Nestor.
Arriving in Singapore too late to prevent its capture, the air crew flew to Sumatra. The squadron flew in South Sumatra from airfields P1 and P2.
Meanwhile the 605 ground crew were transported in William Sail 14B. On January 13th they departed Durban and rendezvous with Convoy DM2, the convoy merging at 01.05 N, 91.28 E. Aboard the ships in this convoy were the Wing Headquarters and ground staff for 3 fighter squadrons. The ships of this convoy were re-routed to Batavia with one exception of the City of Canterbury, which sailed to Singapore.
Arriving at Batavia February 3rd, some were then sent north to South Sumatra and P1.
With the Japanese parachute drop the airfields became under heavy fire and were evacuated. Ground crew and artillery escaping to Java.
Japanese PoW
1942/03/20 - Captured
Taken to Boei Glodok Jail, Batavia
PoW No. 3952
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/10/21 - British, 120 RAF and 380 Amy from Boei Glodok Jail, Batavia, were included in a draft to be assembled for transportation. There were many stretcher cases and many of the PoWs collapsed on the march to the docks. At the Tandjong Priok Docks the Tanjong Priok P.O.W. Camp draft of 1000 ( 90 Officers and 910 O.R.s approx ) was joined by a draft of 300 R.A.F., under command of Wing Commander Frowe, and 500 R.A. personnel under command of Lt. Col. Saunders, Royal Artillery.
At 1600 hours the daft of 1800 PoWs embarked onto the Yoshida Maru and were crammed into the holds.
1942/10/22 - The Yoshida Maru sailed from Batavia with the 1800 PoWs to Singapore in very bad conditions as the tarpaulins leaked and the water entered the holds.
1942/10/25 - Yoshida Maru arrived at the Roads of Singapore.
1942/10/26 - Reached Keppel Harbour, Singapore. 32 sick PoWs were taken to Changi-Hospital. The remaining PoWs were herded onto the quay, disinfected and tested for dysentery and cholera (glass rod test). Then herded back aboard the Yoshida Maru. As the Yoshida draft stayed at the Keppel docks, they were not given a Java Party number at Changi and were known as a Mystery Party.
1942/10/28 - Wing Commander Frowe was instructed to draft 200 of his men to join Lt. Col. Saunders' party of 500 being transferred to the Dainichi Maru. Fourteen of the more seriously sick from Tanjong Priok Camp were then transferred to Singapore Hospital.
Burt joined Lt. Col. Saunders party and embarked in the Dainichi Maru.
1942/10/29, 1400 hours - The remaining 1086 disembarked onto the Quay and were disinfected. During the day a further 19 went sick and were sent to shore hospital and 14 replacements were received from Changi P.O.W. Camp, making a total of 1081.
1942/10/29, 1900 hours - The 1081 embarked on the S.S. "Singapore Maru"
Commander Lt-Col. E.R. Scott and the Singapore Maru group were known as the Scott Party (Mystery Party 2).
1942/10/30 - The Singapore Maru (1100 PoWs), Dainichi Maru (1200 PoWs) and Tofuku Maru (1200 PoWs) set sail to Japan in a convoy. Some of Java Party 5a, 5b and 5c who had sailed earlier from Java and taken to Changi, joined the PoWs in this Japan daft.
1942/11/03 - Arrived Saigon, French Indo-China
Lt-Col. Scott asked for the sick to be taken off the Singapore Maru but his request was refused.
1942/11/13 - Arrived Takao, Taiwan
500 of the PoWs on the Dainichi Maru disembarked to Taiwan 4G, Taichu ad 300 Americans from the Lima Maru embarked.
8 bodies sent ashore for cremation from the Singapore Maru.
600 Japanese Soldiers embarked on the Singapore Maru.
Departing Taiwan was delayed as there was a bad storm.
1942/11/25 - Arrived Moji, Japan
1942/11/27 - Camp started as YAHATA Provisional PoW Camp Mukaijma Branch Camp. 100 British POWs from Java arrive.
New PoW No. 1042
1943/01/ - Name changed to Fukuoka PoW Camp, Innoshima Branch Camp
1943/01/23 - Hong Kong PoWs arrive with three Americans
1943/03/01 - Camp renamed Fukuoka 12B
1943/0714 - Control changed to Zentsuji PoW Camp 2B
1943/12/10 - Camp Leader Squadron Leader Wright leaves for Zentsuji. Warrant Officer Pritchard takes over as Camp Leader.
1945/03/13 - Plane attack kills at least ten Japanese
1945/06/28 - Docks attacked, two PoWS wounded.
1945/07/28 American B-29 crew arrive shot down Lt W. Ross, Flt Officer McNeish and medical officer arrive at camp.
1945/07/30 - Food drop kills five Japanese
1945/08/15 - On Liberation Roll at Hiroshima 5B with 182 British, 3 Americans
The drawing is signed by Cpl William Hirst who was with the HKVDC.
Burt’s signature left column, second down
1945/08/30 - First food drop kills 5 Japanese per Corporal Bonnes Diary [British; diary at IWM File P463]
1945/09/02 - Camp Liberated
1945/09/23 - Burt arrived in New Zealand in HM Hospital Ship Tjitjalengka.
1946/01/10 - Burt arrived Southampton in HM Hospital Ship Maunganui which sailed from Wellington, New Zealand.



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Roz Davies - Grandson
Mike Heather
Kevin Snowdon
Tim Lloyds
Phyliss Livingstone Pettitt
Japanese Transports
Hiroshima 5B
Roger Mansell - Hiroshima 5B
Airforce Report on Malaya and Netherlands East Indies Operations
KEW Files:- WO 361/2009, WO 392/26, WO 345/44, WO 361/1982, WO 361/1960, WO 361/1977, AIR 78 137 1,