British Sumatra Battalion
Compiled from the ‘The British Sumatra Battalion’ by A.A. Apthorp
and the Commonwealth War Graves

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Taylor, James
Manchester Regiment
1st Battalion
Thomas, Thomas David
Royal Artillery
3 Heavy A.A. Regiment
Thomson, John Sherriffs
Royal Army Ordnance Corps
Thomson, Thomas
Royal Artillery
7 Coastal Regiment
Tribe, Francis Charles
Royal Artillery
1 Heavy A.A. Regiment
Tallent, D.
General Service
Tate, H.
Royal Artillery
3 Heavy A.A. Regiment
Taylor, Richard
Manchester Regiment
1st Battalion
Telford, Norman
Royal Artillery
3 Heavy A.A. Regiment
Thomas, D.G.
Royal Navy
Thomas, D.R.
Royal Artillery
9 Coastal Regiment
Thomas, L.
Royal Artillery
3 Heavy A.A. Regiment
Thompson, J.H.
Royal Navy
Thomson, W.
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
2nd Battalion
Thorpe, T.
Royal Artillery
3 Heavy A.A. Regiment
Todd, L.
Royal Artillery
80 A/Tk. Regt.
Tomlinson, P.
Royal Artillery
3 Heavy A.A. Regiment
Toms, P.E.
Royal Air Force
Toone, D.
Leicestershire Regiment
1st Battalion
Tracy, P.
Royal Navy
Tredrea, S.
East Surrey Regiment
2nd Battalion
Tucker, W.H.
Royal Navy