Herbert William Usher

1906/07/13 - Born London
Son of Albert John and Rose Usher
Royal Artillery
89/35 L.A.A. Regiment
1941/11/13 - Embarked from Greenock on Empress of Japan.

1941/11/24 - Arrived Freetown, Sierra Leone, no shore leave
1941/11/26 - Departed Sierra Leone salinf around the Cape of Good Hope
1941/12/08 - Japan entered the war
1941/12/18 - Arrived Durban with shore leave.
On returning to ship, they were transferred to Narkunda.
1943/12/24 - Departed Durban
1942/01/13 - Arrived Singapore
Two troops of the 89 Battery ‘A’ and ‘C’ were sent to Malaya. ‘B’ troop remained in Singapore and along with the 78 Battery defended the Naval Base and Kallang airfield.
At the end of January the ’B’ Troop of the 89 Battery and the 78 battery were attached to 6 H.A.A. Regiment and sent to Sumatra to defend two airfields and the oil installations.
‘A’ and ‘C’ Troops of 89 Battery left Malaya and got back to Singapore. They then left Singapore with the intention of rejoining the Battery. Unfortunately their ship was sunk in the Banka Straight and they lost their guns and ammunition.
The service personnel of the 89 Battery then became Japanese PoWs.
1943/02/01 - WO 417/59, Casualty Lists - Other Ranks 1098 - 1119. Missing

1943/09/02 - WO 417/65, Casualty List No. 1228. Previously reported Missing on Casualty List No. 1103, 01/02/1943 now reported Prisoner of War.
Japanese PoW
1942/03/08 - Captured Java
PoW No. 2678
Japanese PoW Card - Side One

Japanese PoW Card - Side Two

1943/09/11 - Transported in Harugiku Maru with Java Party 16
1943/09/14 - Arrived Changi, Singapore
1945/09/20 - Departed Singapore for Fukuoka, Japan in the convoy with Seishin Maru (1500 Pows) and Ussuri Maru (500 PoWs) both carrying Java Party 16 PoWs
1943/09/29 - Arrived Manila, Philippines
1943/10/08 - Arrived Takao, Taiwan
1943/10/12 Arrived at Moji, Japan
1943/10/13 - Arrive Fukuoka 19B , 251 British prisoners arrived from Singapore in the Ussuri Maru
(Affidavit from Roy Broadway Watson:- 250 PoWs arrived from Ussura Maru)
New PoW No. 30213
Worked at coal mine, owned by Yamano Coal Mining Company
Three shifts which changed per man every 14 days:-
6am to 2pm
2pm to 10pm
10pm to 6am
Three meals per day, one before work, second taken to work, third on return from work. Meals were taken together in communal hall.
Total of 500 PoWs in the camp who shared 22 wooden huts, sleeping on rice straw mats, with four blankets each.
Conditions in the mine were bad with Japanese guards using anything on hand to beat PoWs. Civilians at the camp were worse than the guards for beatings.
1944/04/19 - Renamed Fukuoka 11D
1945/08 - Renamed Fukuoka 8B
1943/09/21 - Liberated Fukuoka 8B - Inatsuki
Transported from Fukuoka via Nagasaki to Manila
1945/10/10 - He embarked on the SS Perida from Manila, Philippines, embankment No. 898.
The ship was due to dock at San Francisco but it was changed to dock at Victoria
1945/11/01 - Arrived Victoria

1945/12/17 - WO417/100, Casualty List No. 1938. Previously shown on Casualty List No. 1228 as reported Prisoner of War now Not Prisoner of War. Previous Theatre of War, Netherlands East Indies.



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Life of Riley - Far Eastern Heroes
Japanese Transports
Affidavit:- Roy Broadway Watson
Roger Mansell - Fukuoka 8B
Repatriation Transport List
KEW Files:- WO 345/53, WO 361/2009, WO 361/1254, WO 392/26, WO 361/2064, WO 361/2188,