Richard Vivian Welch
Known as Dick

Photo taken Kanyu Camp, Thailand - Dick bottom right
1910/09/17 - Born Barry, South Wales
Son of Nicholas and Lena Welch
After school in England Dick joined
Artists Rifles
and then
Essex Regiment
Received a commission as 2nd Lieutenant
Dick left the army and joined Commercial Union Assurance Co.Ltd
1932 - Posted to Singapore and then Ipoh
1938/03/24 - Dick married Australian Betty Robina Ann Thompson in Singapore
Half page in ‘Singapore Gossip’ in the Singapore Free Press with a list of guests
1939 - They were blessed with a baby girl, Robin Ann, born at Bato Gajah
Outbreak of War Dick joined
Federated Malay States Volunteer Force
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Captured Singapore
PoW No. M-2501
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/10/28 - Transported overland to Thailand in ‘U’ Letter Party
1942/11/10 - Kanyu Camp
Colonel Moore - Senior British Officer at Kanu/Kinsayok.
New PoW No. IV 5479

December 1942
(Written on back)
Back Row (left to Right):-
Lt Osuki
Maj. Robertson OC ‘E’ Btn
Capt. Brownhill Adjt ‘E’, 1st Indian Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment
Maj. Kirby Smith OC ‘W’
Lt. Col. Morton OC ‘J’, Federated Malay States Volunteer Force
Front Row (left to right):-
Lt Col. Moore CO
Maj. Sconce Staff Officer
Maj. Hansell 2 IC ‘E’, 6th Norfolk Regiment
Capt. Young Adjt ‘CO’
Capt. Welch Adjt ‘J’ (kneeling on the right)

Trestle Viaduct - Kanyu
Dick contracted diphtheria and was invalided back to Kanburi Hospital where he survived.
New PoW No. IV 1683
1945/09/02 - Liberated Thailand
Post War
After liberation rejoined Commercial Union Assurance Co. Ltd
1947 - Son Richard born at Bato Gajah
1950 - Posted to Calcutta 1950
1953 - Daughter Tessa Vivienne born Calcutta
Remained in India as General Manager
1966 - Retirement
Retired to UK
1974 - Spain
10th September 1981
Torrington, Devon
Richard Welch
Jonathan Moffatt
KEW:- WO 392/26, WO 345/55, WO 361/1979, WO 361/1954, WO 361/2196, WO 361/2196, WO 361/1987, WO 361/2169