Percy Whiston

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Unit 153 MU
Japanese POW
Captured Java 8th March 1942
Transported to Ambon to build an airstrip.
When the airstrip was finished, Percy boarded the Maros Maru 17th September 1944, destination was Java.
The Maros Maru, was a 600 ton Dutch vessel captured by the Japanese in 1942, it was bound for Soerabaja, on the North Eastern coast of Java. 500 PoWs boarded her at Ambon in the Moluccas on 17th September 1944. The POWs were both British and Dutch, another 150 boarded her at Raha Moena on the island of Celebes. The vessel was not seaworthy and during the journey, the ship suffered engine failure and called in for repairs at Macassar in South Celebes. She was in dock for 40 days during which time the PoWs were not allowed to leave the ship and many died due to the horrific conditions they were forced to endure.
During the sixty days on board in blistering heat, with very little water or food, 325 men out of the 650 died.
Age 25
30th October 1944
Percy died whilst being transported on the Maros Maru along with 324 other prisoners.
Loved Ones
Son of Edgar and Rose Whiston, of Sandford Hill, Stoke-on-Trent
Column 437.