Albert Peter Winter

1904/11/02 - Born Llandidno, North Wales
Occupation Tin Smith
Royal Artillery
89/35 LAA Regt RA
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - PoW at Changi
PoW No. 6179
Japanese Index Card - Side One
Believed to be with 600 Gunners Party who were transported to New Guinea 1942/10/18 but taken off list by own Medical Officer the morning of transportation because of poor eyesight.

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/10/25 - Transported Overland to Thailand to No.4 Camp
New PoW No.17308
Camps written as spelt on Questionnaire
1942/11 - Kamu, Thailand (Lt-Col. Moore RA)
1943/09 - Chungkai, Thailand (Lt-Col. Outram RA)
1944/06 - Tanuang, Thailand (Lt-Col. Knight)
1945/04 - Nakon Mye, Thailand (RSM Simpson RA)
1945/06 - Nakon Paton, Thailand
Recovered Thailand
1945/09/28 - Released Rangoon
KEW :- WO 361/1987, WO 361/2065, WO 361/2169, WO 361/773, WO 361/774, WO 361/2206, WO 361/774, WO 361/2172, WO 392/26, WO 345/57, WO 361/1955