William Wood
Known as Bill

1912/06/12 - Born Felling, County Durham
(Date as per Certificate of Service)
William was brought up in a children's home.
1937/10/19 - Enlisted
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Army life gave William stability.
The 1st Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment were posted to Egypt in 1935, and then in 1936 to Singapore; a further move took them to Hong Kong in 1937.
1941/12/08 - Japanese attack Hong Kong.
Battle for Hong Kong - Talk by Douglas Bertram and Brigadier Cecil Templer
1941/12/25 - Hong Kong surrendered
1942/01/21 - WO 417/37, Casualty List No. 726. Missing.
Japanese PoW
1941/12/25 - Captured Hong Kong
Shamshuipo Camp
Commander Major Boon
PoW No. 643
Japanese Index card - Side one

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/09/27 - Sailed from Hong Kong in the Lisbon Maru
On the third day at sea Diptheria broke out.
1942/10/01 - A noise like air rushing out of a tyre woke the sleeping PoWs and they realised a torpedo had just missed the ship. A few minutes later there was a loud explosion and the ships engines stopped.

The submarine, USS Grouper SS-214 had attacked and hit the Lisbon Maru.
At 7.30pm the Japanese destroyer ‘Kure’ and the Toyokuni Maru took of all the Japanese except a machine gun crew who had their gun trained on the Battened down hold.
1942/10/02 - Lisbon Maru sunk
Chinese fishing boats picked up survivors and landed them at Woosung, Nr. Shanghai. They were later transported to Japan.
Osaka 1B Camp, Japan
Work - Stevedores on Kobe docks
Excellent photos of work force at Kobe - Web page by Tony Banham
1945/06/05: Destroyed by air-raid
PoWs moved west side of Osaka 1B to Osaka 2B - Kobe
1945/09/06 - Liberated and on roll at Osaka 2B
Liberation Questionnaire
1945/10/03 - WO417/97-2, Casualty List No. 1874. Previously reported on Casualty List No. 898 as Prisoner of War now Not Prisoner of War. Previous Theatre of War, Hong Kong.
USS Admiral Hughes
1945/09/25 - Boarding No. 1210, Sailed from Manila, Philippines
With 1,528 British PoWs and 12 British Internees
Via Equimalt, British Columbia
1945/10/09 - Arrived Victoria, Canada



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Post War
1949/08/06 - William married Margaret Broderick
At Southend -on-Sea
Irene Warren
Mike Heather
Battle for Hong Kong - Talk by Douglas Bertram and Brigadier Cecil Templer
Japanese Transport
Tony Banham’s books:-
‘Not the Slightest Chance’
‘The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru’
‘We Shall Suffer There’
Kobe Work Force - Web Page by Tony Banham
KEW Files:- WO 392/26, WO 345/57, WO 361/1780, WO 361/1964, WO 361/1963, WO 361/1744,