Straits Settlements Volunteer Force
Compiled with the help of the Commonwealth War Graves
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Da Silva, Oscar George
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
1st (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Davies, John Glover
Davis, William Edward
4th (Malacca Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Day, George Moreton
1st (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
De Roche, Francis
4th (Malacca Volunteer Corps) Bn.
De Rosario, Alan St. Mark Stamford
1st (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
De Souza,
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
De Souza,
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
De Souza,
1st (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
De Souza,
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
De Souza, Donald Winfred
4th (Malacca Volunteer Corps) Bn.
De Souza, Francis James
De Vries, Roy Arnold
4th (Malacca Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Deans, Alexander Gribbon
1st (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Dingle, Walter Hugh
4th (Malacca Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Dodd, John Headley
3rd (Penang & Province Wellesley Vol. Corps) Bn.
Donaldson, William Lee
4th (Malacca Volunteer Corps) Bn.
D'silva, Alec Claude
1st (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
D'silva, Percy Edward
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Singapore Fortress Sigs.