Straits Settlements Volunteer Force
Compiled with the help of the Commonwealth War Graves
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Kechik Bin Abdul Aziz,
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Kennedy, Leslie Howard
Singapore Royal Artillery
Singapore Fortress Sigs.
Kerr-Smith, Alexander
Singapore Royal Artillery
Khoo Cheng Hong,
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Khoo Peng Hai, Henry
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Khor Jiak Yeong,
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Knight, Stanley
1st (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Koh Chwee Choo,
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Koh Fook Lum,
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Koh Hee Thiam,
2nd Bn.
Koh Jaik Yong,
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Koh Kim Seah,
Singapore Volunteer Field Amb.
Koh Meng Seah,
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Kohlhoff, Mervyn Charles
1st (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Kraal, George
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Krishnan Thiagarajah,
4th (Malacca Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Kwa Soon Lock,
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.
Kwang Kim Tang,
2nd (Singapore Volunteer Corps) Bn.