Eric Gordon Barnes
Known as Barney

1916/01/31 - Born North Middlesex Hospital, Edmonton N9
Son of Ernest and Laura Barnes
1936/03/07 - Enlisted
(Gave false place of birth and date to enlist into Scottish regiment)
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
2nd Battalion

Basic Training at Stirling in Scotland.
In March 1937 he was posted to India.
1937 - IGS Decoration
1938 to Waziriston, North West India frontier post where he stayed till September 1939 (Military Police).
The Battalion were then transported to the Far East in where Lt-Col Ian Stewart prepared them for jungle warfare in Malaya, preparing them in the harshest terrain in tactics which gave them the nickname of ‘The Jungle Beasts’. They became part of the 12th Infantry Brigade.
On the 8th December 1941 the Japanese invaded the North of Malaya after landing troops on the South East coast of Thailand, they soon gained a foothold after ‘Operation Matador’ was not put into action.
The already battle primed Japanese Troops infiltrated behind the defending troops forcing them to fall back. The 12th Infantry Brigade gave rearguard action to the retreating 11th Indian Division, until eventually a stand was made at the Slim River on January 7th. The troops held until Japanese tanks arrived and turned the battle of the Slim River to their advantage. The Argylls were hit badly and it was left to every man to find his own way back to the safety of Singapore, later named the ‘Long Retreat’. Many Argylls found themselves trying to evade the Japanese and survive in the jungle of Malaya.
Posted as ‘Missing’, Eric managed to survive but was eventually captured in Malaya and taken to Bukit Pegue.
1942/03/12 - Casualty List No.769. Missing
1943/02/20 - WO 417/57, Casualty List No. 1064. Previously shown on Casualty List No. 769 as Missing, now reported Prisoner of War.
Japanese PoW
1942/02/12 - First captured South of Kuala Lumpur at Negri Sembilan.
1942/04/15 - Bukit Pegie, Malaya
Japanese Index Card - Side 1

Japanese Index Card - Side 2

1942/05/20 - Transported to Pudu, Kuala Lumpur
Japanese PoW Number I 11866
Commanding Officer Col. Hartingan
Capt. Boyle, A&SH
1942/10/14 - Transported overland to Thailand
Commanding Officer Lt. McLeod, A&SH
1942/10/23 - Tha Makhan, Thailand
Transported back to Singapore
1944/06/06 - Transported to Japan in Teia Maru, which was formally the Aramis, a French luxury passenger ship, captured in Saigon.
Teia Maru, launched as the ‘Aramas’
Most of the PoWs had just returned from the Thailand-Burma Railway and were squeezed into the holds. German Measles broke out. All PoWs were allowed on deck for 15 to 20 minutes a day. After a PoW died the hatches were then left open. The ship sailed direct to Moji with no stops along the way.
1944/06/18 - Arrived Moji and the PoWs were stripped and disinfected before being split up to different camps.
1944/06/27 - Eric went to Osaka 15B - Funatsu
Commanding Officer Lt. Daracks, R.C.O.S.
New PoW Number I 39933
Work was Mining and refining of lead and zinc.
1945/03/06 - Renamed Nagoya 3B - Funatsu, Japan
1945/08/06 - PFC James S Mann, beaten to death - Affidavit
1945/09/07 - Liberated Nagora 3B Funatsu, Japan
Transported to Manila and hospitalised
USS Joseph Dyckman
Recovery of Military Personnel
604 British Military
Eric Gordon Barnes Embarkment No. 149
23rd September 1945 - Depart Manila, Philippines
Point of Discharge - San Francisco, California, USA
16th October 1945 - Arrive San Francisco
Departed Halifax, Canada for UK in Queen Elizabeth
5th November 1945 - Arrived Southampton



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Post War
1948 - Eric met and married Lillian A Easton at Edmonton
Three years later they were blessed with their daughter Janice.
Eric developed Parkinson’s disease
11th October 1974
After an escalator fall in which he broke his neck.
Janice Skilton
Jonathan Moffitt
Japanese Transport
Roger Mansell
“A Cruel Captivity” by Ellie Taylor - Chapter 17
"Of Rice and Men" by Robert V. Reynolds
"Bataan, Only the Beginning" by Earl R. Oatman.
KEW Files:- WO 361/2171, WO 392/23, WO 345/3, WO 361/2005, WO 361/2166, WO 361/2199, WO 361/1985,