Squadron Leader
(Known as Pongo)

R.A.F. 62 Squadron
14 June 1913
Wimbledon, London
Age 29
9th December, 1941
Loved Ones
Son of Arthur Samuel King Scarf and Florence Mary King Scarf; husband of Elizabeth Norah Mary Scarf (nee Lunn), of Olton, Warwickshire.
On December 9th, 1941, all available aircraft from the Royal Air Force Station, Butterworth, Malaya, were ordered to attack the advanced operational base of the Japanese Air Force at Singora, Thailand. The aircraft were about to take off when the enemy made a combined dive-bombing and low-level machine gun attack on the airfield, destroying or damaging all save the Blenheim piloted by Squadron Leader Scarf.
Airborne just as the attack started, this officer witnessed the disaster, but decided to press on to Singora in his tingle aircraft. Despite severe opposition, including attacks by numerous enemy fighter planes, Squadron Leader Scarf completed his attack successfully, but was mortally wounded in so doing. He made a valiant attempt to return to his base, but owing to his wounds had to make a forced landing at Alor Star, accomplishing this without injury to his crew. He died in hospital shortly afterwards. Squadron Leader Scarf displayed supreme heroism in the face of tremendous odds and his splendid example of self-sacrifice will long be remembered.
Tribute to Pongo Scarf: