To honour those who served their country

“In this their finest hour”










Angela Margaret Sadleir

Angela Margaret Sadleir


Thomas Naismith Salter

Thomas Naismith Salter

Gordon Highlanders

William Sanderson

William Sanderson

Royal Artillery

Tom Sansome

Tom Sansome

Leicestershire Regiment

jDonald Arthur Sargent

Donald Arthur Sargent

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve

Ronald John Nicholas Sartin

Ronald John Nicholas Sartin

Royal Engineers

Robet Soul. (RAF)

Robert Saul

Royal Airforce

Ernest Frederick Saunders

Ernest Frederick Saunders

Royal Artillery

Arthur Saville

Arthur Saville

Gordon Highlanders

Kenneth Savin

Kenneth Savin

Suffolk Regiment

Bernard Sayles

Bernard Sayles

Royal Artillery

Sayid Abdul Ali

Sayid Abdul Ali

Royal Indian Army Service Corps.

Arthur Scarf  V.C

Royal Airforce

Norman Scarfe

Norman Scarfe

Duke of Wellingtons Regiment


William Hurtle Schmitt

Australian Infantry

James Thomas Scott

James Thomas Scott

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Thomas Evans Scott

Thomas Evans Scott

Royal Artillery

William John Scott

William John Scott

Leicestershire Regiment

Lawrence Frederick Scruby

Lawrence Frederick Scruby

Royal Airforce Volunteer Reserve

John McClure Scullion

John McClure Scullion

Royal Artillery

Henry Scurr

Henry Scurr

Merchant Navy

Arthur James Seager

Arthur James Seager

Royal Norfolks

Frederick Charles Seamark

Frederick Charles Seamark

Cambridgeshire Regiment

William James Alexander Seaton

William James Alexander Seaton

East Surrey Regiment

Fred Seiker

Fred Seiker

Dutch Merchent Seaman

Denis Selby

Denis Selby

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

John Percy Sell

John Percy Sell

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Ramendra Lal Sen

Ramendra Lal Sen

Rajput Regiment

Frank Seymour

Frank Seymour

East Surrey Regiment

Albert Sharp

Albert Sharp

Sherwood Foresters

Russell Joseph Frank Sharman

Russell Sharman

Royal Norfolks

Joseph Bernard Shaw

Joseph Bernard Shaw

Suffolk Regiment


Reginald Shaw

Royal Airforce Volunteer Reserve

Sheah Verdun Bernice

Verdun Bernice Sheah

Royal Australian Air Force Nursing Service

Leonard Sheldon

Leonard Sheldon

Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry

Horace Peter Shellard

Horace Peter Shellard

Royal Artillery

 Horace Walter Shelton

 Horace Walter Shelton

Leicestershire Regiment

William Laurence Sherrard

William Laurence Sherrard

Royal Artillery

Bernard Thomas Sherwood

Bernard Thomas Sherwood

Royal Engineers

William Edward Sherwood

William Edward Sherwood

Royal Army Service Corps

William Roy Shinton

William Roy Shinton

Welch Regiment

Kenneth Hardy Shipman

Kenneth Hardy Shipman

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Reg Shore

Royal Navy

Gerald Bartlett Short

Gerald Bartlett Short

Royal Navy

Leslie Charles Short

Leslie Charles Short

Middlesex Reginment

Ronald Lewis Short

Ronald Lewis Short

Sherwood Foresters

George William Shuker

George William Shuker

Royal Air Force

Harry Raymond Sigsworth

Harry Raymond Sigsworth

Royal Artillery

Case James Albert Silom

Case James Albert Silom

Royal Naval Reserve

Muriel Grace Ellen Silom

Muriel Grace Ellen Silom


Frederick Case Silom

Frederick Case Silom

Royal Air Force

Joseph Francis Silver

Joseph Francis Silver

Royal Artillery

Albert Silvester

Albert Silvester

Royal Artillery

Osmond Henry Simmonds

Osmond Henry Simmonds

Royal Air Force

Christopher Simpkin

Christopher Simpkin

Royal Artillery

William George Sims

William George Sims

Royal Artillery

Rayene Stewart Simpson

Rayene Stewart Simpson

Special Airforce Regiment

Tracey George Clifford Sinclair

Tracey George Sinclair

13th Auxiliary Pioneer Bat.

Ronald John Sinfield

Ronald John Sinfield

Royal Artillery

Frank Sinkins

Frank Sinkins

Suffolk Regiment

Horace Howard Skeet

Horace Howard Skeet

Royal Norfolk Regiment

A. Skinner

Royal Norfolks

Arthur Walter Victor Smith

Arthur Walter Victor Smith

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Clarence Frederick Frank Smith

Clarence Frederick Frank Smith

Royal Navy

Cyril Robert Smith

Cyril Robert Smith

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Douglas Leonard Smith

Douglas Leonard Smith

Royal Airforce Volunteer Reserve

Edward Skene Smith

Edward Skene Smith

Gordon Highlanders

Eric Arthur Smith

Eric Arthur Smith

Royal Norfolk Regiment

George Smith

George Smith

Northumberland Fusiliers


Harry James Smith

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith

Royal Artillery

Percy Victor Smith

Percy Victor Smith

Royal Army Service Corps


Thomas Snowdon Smith

York and Lancaster Regiment

Walter Raymond Smith

Walter Raymond Smith

Royal Air Force

William Smith

Royal Artillery

William Henry Smith

William Henry Smith

Loyal Regiment

James Somerville

James Somerville

Argyll and Sutherlanders

Henry Sorrell

Henry Sorrell

Royal Corps of Signals

Leo Wilfred Snell

Leo Wilfred Snell

Royal Engineers


William Thomas Snow

Royal Navy

Jack Solomon

Jack Solomon

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Maurice Spafford

Maurice Spafford

Royal Artillery

Roy Eric Sparks


John Edward Spencer

John Edward Spencer

Royal Norfolk Regiment

William Spooner

William Spooner

Royal Scots

Arthur John Stagles

Royal Norfolks

John Corbet Stain

John Corbet Stain

Royal Australian Air Force

Joseph William Stain

Joseph William Stain

Royal Australian Engineers

Fred Stallebrass

Fred Stallebrass

Cambridgeshire Regiment

John Allin Stanley

John Allin Stanley

15th Punjab Regiment

Leslie Robert Stanley

Leslie Robert Stanley

Sherwood Foresters

Reginald Stanley

Reginald Stanley

Royal Northumberland Fusiliers

William Stanley

William Stanley

Royal Navy

Jack Stannard

Jack Stannard


Joseph Stanworth

Joseph Stanworth

Royal Navy


Eric Kenneth John Stanyon

Leicestershire Regiment

Peter Robert Starling

Peter Robert Starling

Royal Engineers

Robert Alexander Steel

Robert Alexander Steel

Royal Navy

John Stenhouse. (RN)

J. Stenhouse

Royal Navy

Donald Ralph Stenhouse

Donald Ralph Stenhouse

Royal Norfolk Regiment

Joseph Eric Stephenson

Joseph Eric Stephenson

Sirmoor Rifles

Frederick Stevenson

Frederick Stevenson

Sherwood Foresters


Alvo Benjamin Stewart

Australian Army Ordnance Corps

Donald Campbell Stewart

Donald Campbell Stewart

Royal Navy

Dugald Stewart

Dugald Stewart

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

James Dixon Stewart

James Dixon Stewart

Royal Airforce

Patrick Stewart

Patrick Stewart

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Stanley Gordon Stilling

Stanley Gordon Stilling

Royal Australian Air Force

Fred Stimpson

Fred Stimpson

Royal Artillery

Tom McRobert Stitt

Tom McRobert Stitt

Lanarkshire Yoemanry

George Duncan Stogden

George Duncan Stogden

Royal Army Medical Corps

Harry Stogden


Ronald Hubert Haldane Stokes

Ronald Hubert Haldane Stokes

Royal Artillery

Harry Stone

Harry Stone

Royal Artillery

John Edward Storey

 John Edward Storey

Royal Artillery

Guiseppe Vincenzo James Stracchino

Guiseppe Vincenzo James Stracchino

Royal Engineers

Arthur Conan Strahan

Arthur Conan Strahan

Federated Malay State

Stanley Strange

Stanley Strange

Loyal Regiment

George Albert Street

George Albert Street

Cambridgeshire Regiment

Dominic Michael Stringer

Dominic Michael Stringer

Royal Navy

William Alfred Stringer

William Alfred Stringer

Royal Signals

William Stringfellow

William Stringfellow

Intelligence Corps

Alexander Stuart

Alexander Stuart

Gordon Highlanders

Bill Stuart

Bill Stuart

Royal Navy

David Stuart

David Stuart

Royal Engineers

Charles Stuart

Charles Stuart

Scotts Guards

Charles Duncan Stuart

Charles Duncan Stuart

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Frank Stuart

Frank Stuart

Gordon Highlanders

James Stuart

James Stuart

Gordon Highlanders

John Stuart

John Stuart

 Gordon Highlanders

John Stuart

John Stuart

Merchant Navy

James Ernest John Stubberfield

James Ernest John Stubberfield

Royal Artillery

Styles, Victor Kensett

Victor Kensett Styles

Royal Armoured Corps

James Patrick Sudbury

James Patrick Sudbury

Royal Artillery

F Sullivan

F Sullivan

Manchester Regiment

Ernest George Summers

Ernest George Summers

Royal Engineers


James Surr

Royal Atillery

Foster Bruce Sutton

Foster Bruce Sutton

Royal Norfolk Regiment

D. Swarbrick

The Loyals

George Harry Swoish

George Harry Swoish

Roral Norfolk Regiment

James Swordy

James Swordy

Royal Northumberland Fusiliers

Jack Symon

Royal Norfolk Regiment






''Our Thanks are for being a Chapter in Life.''


Keeping The Candle Burning

Fepow Family

In Memory of FEPOW Family Loved Ones
Designed and Maintained by Ron Taylor.

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