Fred Seiker

1925 - Born Rotterdam
Occupation Engineer
Dutch Merchant Navy
Whilst in Java volunteered into Dutch Army
Japanese PoW
1942/03/08 - Captured Java
PoW No. 2260
1943/01/15 - Transported in Harugiku Maru to Singapore with Java Party 9
New PoW No. II 16190
1943/02/04 - Transported to Thailand in Train 47
New PoW No. II 30462
Liberated Thailand
Talk by Fred Seiker
You will require your sound turned on

Fred sent me a copy of his book complete with his signature, which I cherish
‘Lest We Forget’ Contains Fred’s paintings and Comments
It is still available

Age 101
Peacefully at Home in Worcester
God Bless - Ronnie
‘Lest We Forget’ by Fred Seiker
KEW:- WO 361/1957