James Swordy

1921/04/23 - Born Alnwick, Nothumberland
Royal Northumberland Fusiliers
9th Battery
1940/08 - The 9th Battalion became part of the 18th Division and was moved to defend the Norfolk coastline against invasion.
1941/01 - Battalion moved to Scottish Boarders for extensive training.
1941/06 - Battalion transported to Cheshire and issued with Desert kit.

1941/10/30 - Battalion sailed from Liverpool in Convoy CT.5 on board the ‘Warwick Castle’ to Halifax.

1941/11/08 - Reached Halifax and transferred to ‘USS Orizaba’ destination thought to be the Middle East. Sailed via Port of Spain, Trinidad and Cape Town.
1941/12/08 - Japan invaded Malaya
1942/01/06 - Docked at Bombay, India for training
1942/01/26 - Sailed from Bombay in Task Force 14.2 destination Singapore
1942/02/05 - Arrived Singapore and joined 11th Indian Division.
1942/02/15 - Singapore surrendered. Captured Chancery Lane, Singapore
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Became Japanese PoW
1942/11/07 - Transported overland to Thailand ‘WP’
Card No. 17690
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1944/07/04 - Transported from Thailand via Singapore to Japan with Group 1
New Card No. 44875
To Osaka 16B, Japan (Camp opened 1944/06/25)
1945/ 04/16 - Control Changed to Nagoya 4B Iruka, Japan
1945/09/02 - Liberated
Roll of Honour - Iruka, Japan
KEW:- WO 361/2170, WO 392/26, WO 345/50, WO 361/2005, WO 361/1985, WO 361/2166, WO 361/2178