Alvo Benjamin Stewart

Australian Army Ordnance Corps.
A.I.F. 2/3 Ordnance Store Coy.
5th July 1913
Date of Enlistment:-
30 June 1941
Locality on Enlistment:-
North Ipswich, Qeensland
Place of Enlistment:-
Brisbane, Queensland
Next of Kin:-
Stewart, Ethel
Service History
Alvo served in the RAAF as a wireless operator and air gunner during WW2 and was seconded to the USAAF in early 1943.

He took part in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea.
Japanese POW
Prison Number - 1302
1st Sandakan march (9 groups leaving Sandakan between 29th January and the 6th February 1945).
Age 31
4th February 1945
Death recorded as Cardiac Beriberi by the Japanese.
Died at Mandorin, a tributary of the Labuk, about 60 miles from Sandakan, beside the track.

Loved Ones
Husband of Ethel Catherine Stewart, of Valley, Queensland

Panel 28.
Labuan Memorial