John McClure Scullion
Known as Jack

1916/09/08 - Born Darlington
Son of William and Isabella M. M. (nee McClure) Scullion
1937/04/19 - Enlisted
Royal Artillery
7th Battery, 5 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment
1937/12/04 - Posted with 5th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment to Fort Stanley Hong Kong.
1941/12/08 - Japan entered the war and attacked Hong Kong.
1942/01/24 - WO 417/37, Casualty List No. 729. Reported Missing.

Japanese PoW
1941/12/25 - Captured Hong Kong
Shamshuipo Camp
PoW No. 2449
Japanese PoW Card - Side One

Japanese PoW Card - Side Two

1942/09/04 - Transported from Hong Kong in Shi Maru with 1st Draft to Japan
Sailed in Convoy XD1 with 620 poWs
These were considered the hard men who would not sign the ‘No Escape’ document.
1942/09/15 - Arrive Yokohama, Japan
New PoW No. 231
Tokyo Main Camp - Omori
Also known as Shinagawa POW Camp
1943/04/02 - Transferred to Osaka Zosen.
New PoW No. 518
The camp was also known as Tokyo 10D, Tsurumi.
Taken from Affidavit at the War Crime Trials
Tsurumi Camp
1st Lt Orville Stanford
(Jack named as Scallion and Sgt. Tanaka was Japanese Camp Commander)
Sgt. Tanaka had a stores and clothing inventory and found that several of the POW’s had bartered their shoes and clothing with the Japanese workmen. As the result the guilty men were punished by being slapped and made to hold weights tied to sticks at arms length. The camp sailed along fairly well with the occasional slappings by Suzuki and Rui until the summer of 1943 when Sgt. Tanaka caught some of the men cooking white rice. (white rice was very seldom issued to us) Obviously it was stolen. The entire camp was made to stand at attention while Sgt. Tanaka questioned one man at a time when he called on Pvt. Paul Yates. Yates confessed to assisting several men break out of camp and rob a Jap storehouse. Yates named the other men implicated. The ten guilty men were stood to attention in front of the guard house and the balance of the men were excused. (camp strength at this time was 52 men). I remember some of the men found guilty “ Paul Yates, Richards, Davis, Goss, Whitby, Smith, Loftus, Scallion. They were made to hold weights and were beaten very severely by Suzuki, Rui and Tanaka, but no one suffered any after effects.
1945/09/04 - Liberated

Jack temporally enlisted into the Australian army so that he could receive treatment.
Taken to Manila Philippines.
USS Gosper
Jack boarded the USS Gosper as passenger 196.
1945/09/20 Departed Manila, sailing via Hawaii to Vancouver.
1945/10/11 - Arrived Vamncouver
Sailed Ile de France
1945/10/31 - Arrived Southampton
1945/11/08 - WO417/99, Casualty List No. 1905. Previously shown on Casualty List No. 886 as reported Prisoner of War now Not Prisoner of War. Previous Theatre of War, Hong Kong.



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Post War
1946/04/30 - Discharged from the Army after 9 years 12 days regular service, and transferred to the reserve.
Ian Scullion - Grandson
Cec Lowry
Tan DingXiang
Mike Heather
Tony Banham - Author:-
‘Not the Slightest Chance - The Defence of Hong Kong 1941’
‘The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru’
‘We Shall Suffer There’
‘Reduced to a Symbolical Scale - The Evacuation of British Women and Children from Hong Kong to Australia in 1940’
Japanese Transport
Roger Mansell - Tokyo 10D, Tsurumi
KEW Files:- WO 361/1970, WO 361/1970, WO 361/1984, WO 361/1970,