To honour those who served their country

“In this their finest hour”

Royal Army Ordinance Corps-tn


Lance Corporal

Arthur Walter Victor Smith


1918/04/05 - Born, Palmers Green, London

Son of Alfred Leonard and Emeline Elizabeth Smith


1940/01/17 - Enlisted

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Anti Aircraft  Area Work-Shops

att:- 35 Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment



The R.A.O.C. were responsible for the maintenance and repair of guns, transport and other equipment. They ran large workshops as well as providing smaller units for attachment to Regiments for more local maintenance.

Arthur was  attached to the 35th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment.

1941/11/09 - Arriving by train at Gourock, Scotland. The 35 L.A.A. Regiment exited the train to find the platform cordoned of by the Military Police. The service personnel were then ushered into a small craft tied up at the jetty, and after a delay when more service personnel boarded, the small boat left the jetty. Sailing for about an hour, the craft tied up next to the ‘Empress of Japan’.


‘Empress of Japan’

At this time the Japanese were not at war and the troops were expecting to travel to the Middle East when the ship sailed.

1941/11/13 - The Empress of Japan joined the William Sail 12Z Convoy Convoy off Oversay, position. 1.26S 48.44E.

The convoy consisted of:- Adastrus, Capetown Castle, Deuclion, Duchess of Bedford, Empire Star, Empress of Japan and Indrapoera.

As the convoy travelled south towards Africa the troops discarded their battledress for much lighter Khaki drill uniforms. The convoy was not attacked but off Africa explosions were heard.

On reaching Freetown, the ships stayed in the harbour for two days, but no shore leave was given. Many small craft reached the anchored ships, selling their fruit, the Military Police at times turned a blind eye to the troops bargaining with the natives.

After leaving Freetown the convoy sailed for a further 20 days, during this time at sea, Malaya had been attacked by the Japanese.

1941/12/19 - The convoy reach Durban, anchoring in the bay till the next day when the Empress of Japan docked. The troops were greeted by ‘The Lady in White’ singing through a microphone to the troops, shore-leave was then given and had a warm welcome by the civilians.



Next day it was back on board but just to pack their kit, then on board the Narkunda and the DM1 (Durban - Malaya 1) Convoy to Singapore.

The DM1 Convoy consisted of:- Narkunda, Aorangi, Sussex, Abbekerk, and Mount Vernon (ex WS 12X) which  joined at sea.

1942/01/13 - Arrived Singapore

1942/01/28 - Arthur embarked in a small convoy of coastal craft with the 78th and 89th Batteries of the 35 L.A.A. Regiment and sailed to Pladjoe, Sumatra. Along with two Batteries of 6th Heavy Anti Aircraft Regiment, they were to provide defence of the oil refineries at Palembang and the two airfields P1 and P2.

 The airfield P1 and the oil refineries were soon attacked by Japanese paratroopers and the troops were forced to retreat to Oosthaven. From Oosthaven 78th and 89th Batteries retreated to Java without their guns. Here they were employed in ground defence of 21st LAA. The majority were captured at Garoet and were then moved to a camp at Tandjong Priok.


1942/03/16 - WO 417/40, Casualty List No. 772. Reported ‘Missing’.


Japanese PoW

1942/03/08 - Captured Gareot, Java

Moved to Tandjong Priok Camp, Java

(On capture it is noted Arthur was with 35 L.A.A. Work Shops)

PoW No. 1163

Japanese PoW Card - Side One


Japanese PoW Card - Side Two


1942/10/21 - When the draft for transportation was assembled, there were many stretcher cases and many of the PoWs collapsed on the march to the docks. At the Tandjong Priok Docks the Tandjong Priok PoW Camp draft of 1000 ( 90 Officers and 910 O.R.s approx ) was joined by a draft of 300 R.A.F., under command of Wing Commander Frowe, and 500 R.A. personnel under command of Lt. Col. Saunders R.A.

At 1600 hours the daft of 1800 PoWs embarked onto the Yoshida Maru and were crammed into the holds.

1942/10/22 - The Yoshida Maru sailed  from Batavia with the 1800 PoWs to Singapore in very bad conditions as the tarpaulins leaked and the water entered the holds.

1942/10/25 - Yoshida Maru arrived at the Roads of Singapore.

1942/10/26 - Reached Keppel Harbour, Singapore. 32 sick PoWs were taken to  Changi Hospital. The remaining PoWs were herded onto the quay, disinfected and tested for dysentery and cholera (rod test). Then herded back aboard the Yoshida Maru

1942/10/28 - Wing Commander Frowe was instructed to draft 200 of his men to join Lt. Col. Saunders' party of 500 and transfer to another ship. Fourteen of the more seriously sick from Tandjong Priok Camp were then transferred to Singapore Hospital.

1942/10/29, 1400 hours - The remaining 1086 disembarked and were disinfected. During the day a further 19 went sick and were sent to shore hospital and 14 replacements were received from Changi PoW. Camp, making a total of 1081.

1942/10/29, 1900 hours - The 1081 embarked on the  "Singapore Maru".

1942/10/29 - The Singapore Maru (1100 PoWs) and the Dainichi Maru (1200 PoWs) set sail to Japan. Some of Java Party 5a, 5b and 5c who had sailed earlier from Java and taken to Changi, joined the PoWs in this Japan daft.

1942/11/25 - Arrived Moji, Japan

Many of the PoWs were then hospitalised at Moji

The remainder were split into groups. One group were marched to a large barge and towed across the inland sea to Ube. They arrived at the men groaning in pain from the freezing cold conditions. The camp at Ube was luxury after the transportation from Singapore

1942/11/26 - Yahata Provisional PoW Camp Ube Branch Camp Higashi Misono Detached Camp

Work was in a Coal Mine for Higashimisome Coal Mining Company

1943/01/01 - Renamed Fukuoka PoW Camp Ube -  Higashi Misono Detached Camp

1943/03/01 - Renamed Fukuoka 10-B

1943/12/01 Renamed Fukuoka 5-D

1945/04/14 - Control changed to Hiroshima 8-D - Higashi Misono

1945/07/15 - Air raid on camp and surrounding area, PoWs transferred to Hiroshima 6-D

Camp Location 33°56'17.3"N 131°10'35.1"E

On Ube Camp Roster at this camp


Camp Leader Major John Stewart Allpass, 73393, 6 H.A.A. Regiment, RA

PoWs worked in a Coal Mine (Ube Kosan Motoyama Coal Mining Company)

1945/08/10 - Renamed Hiroshima 8B

1945/08/15 - On role at Hiroshima 8B

1945/09/02 - WO 392/26, Arthur was liberated Hiroshima 8D

Under Commanding Officer Major Roger James Earle

Liberation Questionnaire



After Liberation:- USS Sanctuary (Hospital ship) from Japan to Okinawa. Then USS Bingham from Okinawa to Manila.

1945/10/10 - Departed Manila in USS Marine Shark. Destination San Francisco, California.

1945/11/01 -  British entrained to the East Coast and transported in Queen Mary to Southampton.


1945/10/23 - WO417/98, Casualty List No. 1891. Previously shown on Casualty List No. 1147 as reported Prisoner of War now Not Prisoner of War. Previous Theatre of War, Malaya.


1939-1945 Star-tn

Pacific Star

War Medal

1939-1945 Star


Post War

Arthur married Alice Martha Willis

He continued working as a lorry driver.

They were blessed with five children - Edna, Tony, Yvonne, Michelle and Leon.

Three son-in-laws - Roger, Martin and Joe.

Two daughter-in-laws - Elizabeth and Tatiana.

Nine grandchildren - Darren, Janine, Carl, Karl, Skender, Michael, Sarah, Daniella and Samantha.



Arthur sadly passed away 6th September 2008, aged 90.



Sarah Robertson - Grand Daughter

Singapore Maru - Hell Ships

Roger Mansell website

Liberation Questionnaire


KEW Files:- WO 345/47, WO 361/2192, WO 361 1977, WO 361/2181, WO 392/26


''Our Thanks are for being a Chapter in Life.''


Keeping The Candle Burning

Fepow Family

In Memory of FEPOW Family Loved Ones  
Designed and Maintained by Ron Taylor.

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Honorary Life Member-1tn

Honorary Life Member of COFEPOW


Email Ron Taylor 


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