Gunner (Motor Mechanic)
Joseph Francis Silver

1915/09/08 - Born Preston, Lancs.
Son of Joseph and Ada Silver
Occupation Fitter
1933/04 - Enlisted
Royal Artillery
88 Field Regiment
88th Field Regiment in France 1940
By Desmond Bettany
Provided by Keith Bettany under Copyright
Joseph was in the T.A at Kimberley barracks in Preston so one of the first into France and one of the last to leave via Dunkirk.
1941/11/28 - Arrived Singapore on the ‘Empress of Canada’, via Freetown, Cape Town, and Colombo, Ceylon.

Transported to Mantin, Malaya, which is about 27 miles south of Kuala Lumpur, and became part of the 11th Indian Division with twenty-four 25 pounder guns. The three batteries were sent to Ipoh, Alor Star and Kuantan, on the east Coast of Malaya. The Kuantan Battery was later moved to the West Coast, North of Kuala Lumpur. Slowly retreating down to Singapore.
1942/02/15 - Singapore surrendered to the Japanese.
1942/04/18 - WO 417/42, Casualty List No. 801. Missing
1943/08/11 - WO 417/64, Casualty List No. 1209. Previously shown on Casualty List No. 801 as Missing, now reported Prisoner of War.
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Captured Singapore
Changi PoW Camp
PoW No. II 1649
Commander Col. Edward Barklay Holmes, 5904,
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/04 - Towner Road Camp, Singapore
Commander Lt-Col. Sylvian Claude D’aubuz, 15284, R.A.

English - Soldier
1942/11 - Serangoon Road, Malai 2
Commander Lt-Col. Eric Charles Prattley, 13087
1942/12 - Returned to Changi from Malai 2,
1943/09/10 - Included in Roll at Changi
Commander Col. Edward Barklay Holmes, 5904,
New PoW No. 9702
Joseph was involved with the concerts held at Changi as stage carpenter, technician, sets or construction as depicted in this program of the ‘Androcles and the Lion’ a March 1943 production at Changi, Joseph is Stage Carpenter.
Program by Desmond Bettany
Provided by Keith Bettany under Copyright
Joseph was a very practical man could turn his hand to anything required for the Changi concerts.
1945/09/05 - On Nominal Roll Changi
1945/11/02 - Liberated Changi
1945/12/15 - WO417/100, Casualty List No. 1937. Previously shown on Casualty List No. 1209 as reported Prisoner of War now Not Prisoner of War. Previous Theatre of War, Malaya.
Post War
1946 - Married Elizabeth Waddington in Preston
1947/01/11 - ‘Z’ (T) Res.
1948 - Son Joe born
1951/10/01 - To R.E.M.E
Joe Silver - Eldest son of Joseph
Lance Bombardier Desmond Bettany by Keith Bettany
www.changipowart.com by Desmond Bettany
88th Field Regiment in Malaya by Brigadier Goodman
Liberation Questionnaire - COFEPOW
KEW:- WO 367/3, WO 361/2188, WO 361/2229, WO 361/1948, WO 392/26, WO 345/47, WO 361/2064, WO 417/42,