P/MX 78421
Joiner 4th Class
William Stanley

Royal Navy
H.M.S. Barham
Age: 21
25th November 1941

When H.M.S. Barham was torpedoed and, 4.5 minutes later, sunk after an explosion.
Loved Ones
Son of Robert Stanley, and of Florence Stanley, of Carlton, Nottinghamshire
Brother to Leslie Robert , Kenneth, Dennis and Florence Beryl Burton (Stanley).
Uncle to Alan, Paul, Karen, Carol, Janet, Julie and Gail
Panel 56, Column 3.
The Admiralty Regrets By Ernie Jones B/Tel D/JX162202
Sailing through a sunlit sea On a mission of war, She was a ship at half past three A wreck at half past four.
No warning as to tragedy No chance to be prepared The ship in all her majesty Unwittingly was snared.
A great explosion rent the air As four tinfish struck home, Succeeded by a brilliant glare And sea churned into foam.
Four minutes it was till she went down, Her white Ensign still flying, But many a man was left to drown Who'd had no thought of dying.
It happened in nineteen forty one The twenty fifth of November, But though the years have passed and gone I for one, remember.
At the going down of the sun When the sea is calm and still, It seems they haven't gone Or if they ever will.
For though they lie beneath the sea, No spot to mark their grave, Their names live on in memory Their souls lie with the brave.
For more information:- http://www.hmsbarham.com/index.php